Experts Suggest Resveratrol May Speed Up Muscle Growth

In addition to speeding up muscle growth, it is worth mentioning that resveratrol could work wonders in warding off a range of diseases and disorders.

Over decades, scientists have been researching the benefits of resveratrol on human health. This natural ingredient has further been found to be potentially beneficial for athletes and muscle builders.

According to researchers, doing strength training triggers the muscle tissue to continuously extract stem cells from the blood. This then allows them to grow into mature muscle cells.

In an Italian in-vitro study, it has been found that resveratrol supplementation speeds up such a process.

Anna Montesano’s study was published in the Journal of Translational Medicine.

The scientists studied the effect of resveratrol on the muscle cells out of curiosity. Resveratrol has been found to make the cell development process faster. This means resveratrol could decrease the speed at which the cells divide. Further, it also makes the muscle fibres thicker and longer.

Scientists further revealed that resveratrol was able to increase the production of the contracting motor muscle protein Myosin Heavy Chain [MyHC]. It is worth mentioning it is the most important component in mature muscle fibres.

What makes resveratrol beneficial is that it was able to boost the amount of AMPK, and of the extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 [ERK1] [ERK2] in the muscle cells.

According to experts, AMPK is a protein that turns active when the muscle cells run out of energy. The proteins ERK1 and ERK2 start up processes in muscle cells, and this is in response to growth factors that are active outside the muscle cells.

Some scientists also recommend that resveratrol can enhance aerobic performance.

Resveratrol has long been known to be extremely beneficial for a range of medicinal purposes. It is even widely used via supplements such as Divine Bounty Resveratrol.

In addition to speeding up muscle growth, it is worth mentioning that resveratrol could work wonders in warding off a range of diseases and disorders. It may even be useful for preventive health purposes.

Instead of using products in the market that are loaded with potentially harmful chemicals, it may be helpful to consider what resveratrol can offer for muscle growth. Its use has been particularly linked with beneficial effects on the heart, and some other parts of the body.

To experience its benefits, it may be wise to consider the use of Divine Bounty Resveratrol.

This amazing formula has been gaining more and more attention and trust from consumers. It is believed to be superior over other brands due to its high potency and purity.

“As cloning beautifully proves, our cells retain their youthful digital information even when we are old. To become young again, we just need to find some polish to remove the scratches.”

David Sinclair